Event Concluded

Event Description

Since the 1980s, thousands of veterans have returned to Việt Nam. Why have they done so? What do their stories mean? And how do their journeys connect to the ANZAC legend?

Dr Mia Martin Hobbs explores these questions and more in her award-winning book, 'Return to Vietnam: An Oral History of American and Australian Veterans’ Journeys'. Come along and hear this inspiring author and emerging historian as she shares her findings.

In partnership with...


2:00PM - 3:00PM
Saturday 29 April 2023
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9747 5300


Melton Library & Learning Hub
31 McKenzie Street
Melton VIC
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Event Partner

The City of Melton Heritage Festival is on from 18 April to 18 May 2023. Find out more at https://www.melton.vic.gov.au/Heritage-Festival


This event has concluded. It's a little too late to make a booking!

Events in Heritage Festival Series

Their Life in a Suitcase 03-05-2025 at 1:30PM Caroline Springs Library And Learning Hub
Sketching at the Willows Historical Park 07-05-2025 at 2:00PM Willows Historic Park
Wizard Oil & Wonders: The Peculiar Legacy of Frank Weston 10-05-2025 at 1:00PM Melton Library & Learning Hub
