Event Concluded

Event Description

Are you looking for a job or re-entering the workforce? Come along to Job Lab and get support from a trained careers advisor. This week, we're talking about Employment Agencies.

Agencies can be a great place to start if you're not sure what sort of career you want. We'll show you how to navigate Employment Agency websites and how they work. We'll also talk about the requirements for different kinds of roles, and where to find upskilling and training opportunities.

In partnership with...


10:00AM - 12:00PM
Thursday 26 October 2023
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9747 5300


Caroline Springs Library And Learning Hub
193 - 201 Caroline Springs Boulevard
Caroline Springs VIC
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Notes & Requirements

Please bring along a notepad and pen, or your laptop to take notes.

Event Partner

Made possible by Djerriwarrh Education. Learn more at https://djerriwarrh.org.au/


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